You know when people ask you how you're doing ? And most people are like oh, I'm doing good, I'm fine, blah blah blah ... and then people don't actually get into how they're feeling maybe because they aren't talking to the right person, or they are too busy to explain, or .. maybe they just don't want to talk about it, or even another reason.
Either way, for however many years that has passed, I've never been able to actually say, "Oh! I'm doing good." or "oh, i'm really happy with my life right now."
I just remembered how my SAT math teacher over the summer randomly asked her students including me, whats your level of happiness? Are you happy?
and I started thinking ... I don't know what number I rated, probably a 5? or something... but eh.
LOL shit, nowadays its not like I put up a front with a fake smile, of course I can smile, but its just that.. overall I'm not happy.
I can blame myself for this reason, but there are still a lot of other factors for why I'm upset and shit. Whatever though too cause that's life.
As cliche as it is, life is like a goddamn rollercoaster because whenever you're at a happy point, it always goes back down.... and I guess thats why the happy moments count more and should outshine the bad ones ...
Time to do homework.
SAT on saturday? no bueno.
o-o .... LOLWTF