Saturday, January 30, 2010



Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friday Night

Saved for party.

Thursday, January 21, 2010



Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So apparently maybe Jackie likes someone.

Boy is hella fine.

Thats not my point.

I'm having an emotional breakdown right now. Stress from finals is probably one of the reasons why but damn, something else sure triggered it.

What am I doing, what am I making him do to me, whats happening.

I'm in emotional distress.

& he's also on the side, waiting for me; I don't want to lead him on.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hella fucking irritated.

Good DAY ?

I'll talk about this later.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


You're on your period or some shit, don't talk to me.

You bitch at me in the car and I'm silent about it, no biggie.

I come home, do laundry, ask you where my two hoodies go and you respond with some smartass answer, "Did you even bring them home?" The fuck woman, who the hell takes off their hoodie when its this cold outside.


Just cause you're on your period doesn't mean you have to talk so sweetly to your husband and NOT YOUR CHILD? What the fuck man.

Don't be a bitch to me just cause you can. I can do the downright same but do you see me doing that? Hell no.

Fuck man.


Doing what Pat does. HAHAHA


Just felt like getting one since I use tumblr and... some others have formspring [:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Do I let myself continue falling or catch myself?

I think I've fallen.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Main Entry:exhausted
Part of Speech:adjective
Definition:extremely tired


all in, beat*, bleary, bone-weary, bushed,crippled, dead tired, dead*, debilitated, disabled, dog-tired, done for, done in, drained, effete,enervated, frazzled, had it, kaput, limp, out on one's feet, outta gas, prostrated, ready to drop, run-down, sapped, shot*, spent, tired out,wasted*, weak, weakened, wearied, worn, worn out

Gotdayum I'm going to die.


Spanish Oral ! Biology test ! GOGOG. Understand compsci too D: ... mothereff.






Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fuck off

Pissing me off man.

Shut the fuck up.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


So I found out that my plans for tomorrow are cancelled due to the absence of some and finals.

GG Jackie.

Happy Birthday to Me on January 10th.

I was sort of excited for once, but you know, thats okay.

Studying like usual on my birthday, bombass.

Not So Much

Not that excited about my birthday tomorrow o-o

I'm not having a party or anything because everyone is busy with finals and school just started so.... everyone's all up in their getting-ready-to-study-hard-again mode.

Its all good though LOL, I don't mind.

I'm having a dinner thing tomorrow and possibly some people I haven't met before might come and be like HIIIII JACKIIEIEIEEIIEE.


I sometimes feel like birthdays are just .... its not like they get old but its just like another day to me other than getting gifts, food, money, which I'm totally fine with but LOL i'm not like WOOOOOO.

I'm more excited about Chinese New Year only cause I get to spend time with my family and then get even more money.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


☆ мεıσdy says:
*wow you're scary
*mental note: never msg jackie when she's hardcore nerding

OHMYGOSH MEL made me smile while I'm annoyed.


Gotdayum people. There's a difference between clinginess and .. non-clinginess... I'll find a word for this and blog about it later.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So I obviously did not reach my goal to finish reading yesterday but I'm on my way right now, around 50 more pages to go, s'll good.

Then I have some math, lots of ap bio, possibly some ap comp sci and ... I guess I'm okay ? .. Thats still hella shit though.


So recently I met this cute boy. He took my attention away from reading yesterday - too bad he lives in Las Vegas.

I don't know if he just flirts with any girl but still, he makes me happy. I still wouldn't say I like him even though others are joking around that we're dating and stuff but still, he makes me happy.

He goes to sleep hella early though, s'll good. I'm glad I recently discovered I could text with my iTouch.

He webcammed with me for the first time last night and wooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeee, he's hella cute. Ohmygod, his smile and face... Mmboy. HAHA HIS LIPS ARE HUGE. Its like he had botox with some lip plumper and just filled up his lip tissue or something.


LOL so supposeably he lifted up his shirt and crap yesterday cause we were oovooing with other friends and all the guys were just... lifting up their shirts to tease each other .. HAHAHA, and I'm just sitting there and laughing ...

This boy got abs. MMMMMMMMMMMM.

Why is there not a boy like this at my school huh? I guess we're flirting now online but shit.

Okay, back to work.

I'll end on a "dayum boy you is hella cute c: !"

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Time to read 100 pages of Beloved by today.

That's my goal today. I will finish it goddammit >;(

Even if I have to stay up till whenever.


Time right now is ... 7:38PM. I know for sure I'm going to get side tracked by someone, but you know, as long as I go back and keep reading, go Jackie go !

Friday, January 1, 2010

Baby are you down, down, down, down, down.

I feel down. I wasn't a minute ago. Its normal.

So I've noticed that I like being with a lot of people in person. I mean, being with a few people is all good for me too but I don't mind crowds.

I've always known that I don't like being in crowded rooms on Audition either where all the watch places are filled and players... I don't know :x It's not just me though. Maybe its cause I'm overwhelmed by all the different font colors .. bright green from famchat, red sometimes from Nami, blue whispers, and the assortment of regular chat colors.

I just realized its the same in vent. I just left this vent because it had like... 5+ and I dunno :x I feel odd just .. joining in and being like OH HEY HI OKAY.

I don't know. I actually don't even know what to feel right now.


On a different matter, HAPPY NEW YEARS. I'm not looking forward to this year only because ... well ... new years > school > birthday > finals. Fuck. I need to get back on this schoolwork track cause I've been long off, gotdayum.

I also miss Kevin bbfl.

I just made a video for Derick because I said I would while he's in the Phillipines.

I miss people at school too, one bright side of returning.


So I recently met this guy... who lives in Vegas and I don't know why he makes me feel.. different.

I actually never got back to Justin about how he has feelings for me again. Yeah, my ex from 2 years ago has feelings for me again. :x

Back to the guy. I'll call him "C" for now. So ... we've been talking on vent everyday for the past week or something and uhh.. We just exchanged numbers yesterday. I wouldn't say I like him cause I can't confirm that yet but .. Its weird. He makes me feel happy lol. I really like his voice as well. We're the same age, play the same games, he's really chill.

I webcammed with him the third time we talked or something and he's like OMGSOCUTELKJFSF. And I'm like OKAY NOW YOU WAVE AT ME? I feel like he's fcking with me because he keeps giving me excuses about how he can't wave and shit and ... I don't know. I don't get why my feelings are responding so passionately toward him.

Jackie, what the fuck? Right?



I don't know. Lol. I'm talking to him right now and I'm just like :x .. I watch what I say around him or like... I think I hesitate before actually saying whatever. He makes me laugh a lot too, but that doesn't mean much.

I feel like he acts the way he does with all the girls he talks to.. like yesterday he's like.. CAN I TRANSFORM YA ?

Jackie: Say what. Transform me into what ;o
C: My girlfriend
Jackie: LOLWUT?
C: My girlfriend.

He also was like marry me jackie and I'm like.. LOL WTF?

Wtf am I supposed to say.. YEAHHH? Play with him too or maybe he's just doing this out of friendliness, I don't know. LOL WTF JACKIE.

Yeah I don't know.


LOL now he's mocking me.

Fuck no, Jackie will not get played. Fuck this LOL