Monday, November 2, 2009


I'm sorry. I'm sorry to you too.

@1: Thank you for being there and listening and just ... being there. I really appreciate you. I don't really know any better way to phrase this ... but I'm even happy that you called .. its just that I passed out.

@2: I'm really sorry. I guess I did end up raging at you without even knowing it. I went insane last night, I'm sorry; it was uncalled for. I didn't know you had a short temper either and I'll be sure to take notice of that. I don't know what came over me. I know I should've stopped talking to you cause I would've made things worse (which I did), but ... I just felt like I had to keep talking to you. I really wished/hope you'd pick up your phone when I called though .. even though I was crying it would've really helped, its okay though. ><

I honestly, sincerely, apologize. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry for to both of you for just disappearing like that. I ended up not being able to breathe and then panicked .. resorted to my bed, and then not knowing wtf happened, passed out.

I'd like to apologize for what happened last night and for my uninformed disappearance.

I need to get a control of these emotional breakdowns but shiet, girl can't keep all this inside for 3 weeks+


Wtf@3: Where the hell were you when this happened, shiet.

Honestly, its like I always find myself alone. What, do I need to get used to this now or something, shiet. I already knew this, in the end, every individual will always remain alone.

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