Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I woke up this morning being hit once on my head by my dad.


My mom had come to wake me up and I was about to get up.. but I kept sleeping.. Then my dad comes to check if I'm alive and .. well yeah.

So then he's like , " Mommy told me you were playing a game afterschool yesterday." .. but more in a yelling manner.

Yeah, I went on for the beatrush tourney, quit after passing the first round cause my mom was like WTFOJSK...

That hit on the head did hurt though.

Hm, I don't think I've blogged a blog about my entire day. Lets start.

Jackie's Day So Far:

So I woke up, went to school .. 2nd period .. YES. SPANISH. Ohmygod it was the chillest period I've had in a while. Actually, my entire day was pretty chill only because today was Career Day at school.

Some stuff in mind:

°spanish artist report (first draft) due friday
° finish huckleberry finn - thursday
° get satire project thang together
° actually read biology
° learn trig graphs crap
° actually read & learn history? LOL
° get ap comp sci shiet together
° prepare for in-class essay

Oh, something random to think about: I was invited by my ex to go to his Thanksgiving dinner with the rest of his family. We're pretty good friends so its ... actually normal that he'd invite me? .. but not really. LOL what. We talk once in a while and its always good, but I find it random that he'd invite me .. especially to Thanksgiving because thats a family thing.

Back to my day .. so ... 4th Period AP Compsci ... Ohshit I don't know what we're doing right now. LOL compsci makes my head hurt, its hard :x

Career Day: I got lawyer, pediatrician, emergency room nurse.

Lawyer - The guy was pretty chill and was telling us about this Nazi chase he had or something.

Pediatrician: I've always wanted to be a doctor ever since I was asked by my dad when I was 4. I still stand by that statement, kinda more than ever.

Heyguys, I'm going to be a pediatrician or something and then you all can come into my office for a checkup ;) ohoho. LOL

Or uh, I want to work in the medical field somewhere... Not sure if I want to be a specialist in some field but who knows. Pediatrician? Yah baby.

ER Nurse: Oh ... this guy was pretty chill too haha. Someone asked him the worst case or... patient he had to work with.. Unfortunately he had to take care of a child who was put into an oven. Thinking about that makes me sad.

6th Period was AP Bio. Ohshit man LOL ... I should pay more attention in that class, goddamn all this work.

Oh, things are looking up at school in the friend area so.. I'm glad about that ... I guess. Things are looking up in general maybe.. but not really cause all my classes are starting to jump into their intense business and shit.

Why can't things be insouciant.

Oh ... I also .. what the hell, how is this going to work out.

So I was invited to two friends' parties on Friday ... I guess it'd work out cause one's afterschool ish .. and then another one starts at 7. LOL

I think I'll be planting trees as volunteer work on Saturday too.

I need to do more volunteer work. I actually want to work at Kaiser or have some internship somewhere; that'd be pretty dope.

I definitely want to volunteer at Kaiser hospital or ... maybe even a lab, gotdayum. [:

Mkay, so now .. I need to read two fetasspackets of articles about viewpoints of Huckle Berry Finn, study for math, do math homework, history ?!

Okay life, ameliorate yourself.


OHMYGOD. ALSO. I have this really nice mint chocolate godiva ball thing that.. I'm about to devour later. Ohoho.

Random but you know, my bra randomly broke today in class.. or something .. uhhh ... some wire part of something broke and then was stabbing me and I wtfed throughout bio. LOL ...

Then later I checked and this wire was sticking out, yeah that was odd.

But on the topics of bras, my mom also bought me three new bras today [: Surprisingly they're cute.

One's just black, another one polkadotpinkwhite, some other cool design whitelightblue.

Just wanted to share that because I'm sure no one is going to read this far. LOL

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